Saturday, 28 November 2009


I can't understand why some celebs find the need to go to the extreme of being so skinny you can see all their bones. It's just not attractive in my eyes. Curves are so much more womanly and sexier. Look at this picture of Alexa Chung....shes looking ill, her face is so withdrawn.

Look at the likes of Beyonce her body is immense, so womanly, and I would prefer to have Beyonce's body shape, than showing all of my bones. These sort of pictures should be shown more by the media to encourage more women and young girls to be proud of their shape and curves.

There's always a debate on size zero models, come on the outfits they wear wouldn't fit on most women. So why not use models that are the size of most women, surely there wouldn't be any more arguing on the size of models. Plus.....there would be far less models developing eating disorders due to the fact of trying to be so skinny to achieve their goal of becoming a size zero model, when to be honest their risking their life!!!!

Ok ok that's my rant over for now.....sometimes it really gets to me. I love my curves, but sometimes I feel the pressure of the media, and today I felt the pressure (blame my tv), this is why I have had my first rant.

I feel alot better now.x

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